Who can join?

Admission Criteria BVSS

Feel free to contact us, as we review each profile individually and look forward to welcoming new members!

Script Continuity

Both criteria must be met:
1. Minimum of 5 projects (Minimum of 100 shooting days) as a Script Continuity, with at least two
    TV feature films.
2. At least two recommendations stemming from collaborations with directors, assistant directors,
    script supervisors, script continuities, or editors (Details: see *)

Recommendation: Internship in the editing room

Script Supervisor


Minimum of 25 x 90 minutes or 2250 minutes of completed film experience as a Script Continuity or Script Supervisor, approximately half of which is in TV film, TV series, or a cinema project of 90 minutes.

Two out of three additional criteria must be fulfilled:
1. At least 2 High-End series (with a minimum of 4 episodes) or a higher-budget cinema film.
2. Minimum of 2 projects (Minimum of 50 shooting days) as a Script Supervisor, with one being
    an international project (set language not in German).
3. At least 2 recommendations resulting from collaborations with directors, assistant directors, 1st
    assistant directors, script supervisors, or editors (Details: see *)

* Recommendations should each consist of a short written statement about your work. A few sentences are sufficient, giving insight into why these colleagues enjoy working with you, why they perceive your work qualifies as professional, and what specific importance they believe YOUR work holds for a production. Please do not forget to include the signatory’s signature and phone number, as we reserve the right to make a phone inquiry if necessary.

Script Trainee

Both criteria must be met:
1. At least a 4-week internship on a film set.
2. Motivational letter and/or a personal interview with a board member.

Recommendation: Participation in a script workshop and familiarity with technical literature.

The board reserves the right to additionally assess the qualifications of the applicants on a case-by-case basis beyond the criteria.